Philatelic collection transfer
德国总理科尔亲笔签名的实寄明信片 (1998.10)
Above: A first day mailed postcards autographed by German chancellor Helmut Kohl (Sold out)
Above: Russia 1912 Small silver coin
CNT-1 地图小括号
Above: China's first public telephone card CNT-1 Flowers and map
Above: CNT-40 Tiger Card 1996-2015 price chart
The webmaster's word: I am a retired employee of Sinopec Jinling petrochem corp. My major hobby is philately and music. I have established 2 web sites after retired in1997, they are "Philatelic exploration round the world" and " Morricone Fans" . I have been is 80 years old in this year. When looking back and finishing a large number of valuable collection (include philatelic items, coins and phone cards etc.), I am constantly thinking about how can I make them long-term to be handed down? Their Value survive in the world will not be buried because of my own disappearance. in particular, some philatelic materials are unique and very valuable, for example the postcards autographed by Cambodia king Norodom Sihanouk, Korea president Kim Dae-Jung, Germany chancellor Helmut Kohl, Israel president Ezer Weizman, East Timor president Xanana is they left behind precious handwriting In their countries facing crisis or personal political career suffered a serious setback. I think the best way is to recommend them on the Internet and transfer to the collector from all over the world at the right price
This platform is divided into philatelic item, coins and phone cards (including magnetic card and IC card) three blocks.
Because of their large number, it needs to take a long time to edit. Their prices refer to the domestic and foreign market levels and their own appreciation of the law, taking into account the interests of buyers and sellers and clearly marked, please do not bargain (The bulk of overseas postage can be agreed according to your situation). About the webmaster's credit, you can browse the mobile web page. (More see the PC web page). After you have selected the collection item (please remember their code number to prevent errors), please payment here. And according to the request of the web page to send an email to me. Thank you for your trust and support.
The webmaster HAN in January 2016 in Nanjing of China
笔者简历: 韩文光 1937年生于天津. 1954年毕业于北京化学工业学校并分配到南京化学工业公司...
Webmaster resume: Wenguang Han, senior engineer at professor grade. Was born in 1937 in Tianjin China.1954 graduated from the Beijing Chemical Industry Shool and assigned to the Nanjing Chemical Industrial Corp., served as foreman, workshop director, deputy plant director and chief engineer from 1954-1974. 1974-1997 was transferred to Sinopec Jinling Petrochemical Corp. (Nanjing), Served as plant director, vice president of Jinling Petrochemical Corp.. Retired in 1997. Founded "Philatelic exploration round the world" and " Morricone Fans" website in 2003. Was elected the honorary president of " China Ennio Morricone Fans Association” (MorriUnion) in 2009. Personal works include "Technical guide for practical operation of chemical plant" (2001 here) and "Ennio Morricone Fans Handbook" (2013 here)
January 2016
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