Philatelic collection transfer
Phila--000-eng Philatelic items
Code Class Name Quantity
P01 The mailed poatcards autographed by foreign head of states 31(sets)
p02 The mailed poatcards autographed by Chinese ambassador in foreign countries 158(sets)
p03 The mailed poatcards autographed by Chinese Consul (consul general) in foreign countries 52(sets)
p04 The mailed surface mails of Chinese economic and Commercial Counsellor's office in foreign countries 66(sets)
p05 The first day mailed postcards for Stamps issued jointly by China and foreign countries 32(sets)
p06 A postcard with a piece of history 11(sets)
p07 Universal exploration Postcards 15(sets)
p08 Others (a number of important envelops and stamps) ------
phila-01 The mailed poatcards autographed by foreign head of states

Phila-01-01-31 Prices are in U.S. dollars and Includes postage charges

phila-01-01-25 are mailed homemade postcards autographed by foreign heads (president or prime minister, etc.) and associated full set of posted item. Please click the link to view their detail

Phila-01-01 The late Cambodia king Norodom Sihanouk1998.10.7. (Flood relief stamps first day postcard) Price USD 3100

Phila-01-02 Germany chancellor Helmut Kohl 1998.10.15. (China and Germany jointly issued stamps first day postcard) Price USD 1800 Already sold

Phila-01-03 The late Korea president Kim Dae-Jung 1998.12.4. Price USD 3100

Phila-01-04 Swiss president Flavio Cotti 1998.12.8.(China and Swiss jointly issued stamps first day postcard) Price USD 1900

Phila-01-05 Ireland premier Berty Ahern 1998.12.17. Price USD 1300

Phila-01-06 Finland premier Paavo Lipponen 1998.12.18. Price USD 1300

Phila-01-07 Belgium premier Jean-Luc Dehaene 1998.12.21. Price USD 1300

Phila-01-08 Cook Islands premier Geoffrey Henry 1999.1.5. Price USD 800

Phila-01-09 Mongolia president Nachagym Bagbandy 1999.1.16. Price USD 800

Phila-01-10 Jamaica premier Perciral Pattweson 1999.2.14. Price USD 800

Phila-01-11 The late Israel president, air force famous general Ezer Weizman 1999.5.19. Price USD 2300

Phila-01-12 Cyprus president Glafcos Clerides 1999.7.5. Price USD 600 Already sold

Phila-01-13 New Zealand Premier Jenny Shiplay 1999.8.12. Price USD 1000 Already sold

Phila-01-14 Last Portugal governor of Macao Rocha Vieira 1999.9.15. Price USD 1200 Already sold

Phila-01-15 Ecuador president Jamil Mahuad Witt 1999.11.7. Price USD 800

Phila-01-16 Cote D'Ivoire premier Daniel Kablan Duncan 1999.11.7. Price USD 800

Phila-01-17 Albania president Rexhep Meidani 2000.1.17. Price USD 1300

Phila-01-18 Germany chancellor Gerhard Schroeder 2000.3.5. Price USD 1200 Already sold

Phila-01-19 Tanzania president Frederik T.Sumaye 2000.4.26. Price USD 1300

Phila-01-20 East Timor first president Xanana Gusmao 2000.5.2. Price USD 3100

Phila-01-21 Barbados premier Owen Arthur 2000.6.19. Price USD 800

Phila-01-22 Laos president Khamtay Siphandone 2000.8.20. Price USD 800

Phila-01-23 Botswana president Festus Mogae 2000.8.23. Price USD 800

Phila-01-24 Brazil president Fernando Henrique Cardoso 2000.11.6. (China and Brazil jointly issued stamps first day postcard) Price USD 1900

Phila-01-25 New Zealand Governor-General Michael Harde Boys 2000.12.28. Price USD 1300

p0hila-1-26-31 are without autographed postcards, only there are reply and the head's photo with signature

Phila-01-26 France president Jacque Chirac 1998.10.7. Price USD 1300 Already sold

Phila-01-27 Egypt president Muhammed Hosni Mubarak 1999.6.22. Price USD 430

Phila-01-28 UN Secretary general Kofi Annan 2000.1.29. Price USD 430

Phila-01-29 Danmark presidemnt Foul Nyrup Rasmussen 2000.8.2. Price USD 430

Phila-01-30 Iran president Seyed Mohammed Khatami 2000.10.23. Price USD 430

Phila-01-31 Uzbekistan president Islam Karimov 2001.3.23. Price USD 720

The autographed postcards and complete set of 158 Chinese ambassador to foreign countries
Includes 158 autographed postcards and all Correspondence letters ,get 6 high stamp albums and all material
The total price of $ 4500 (Prices are in U.S. dollars and Includes postage charges USD)

As the mobile web page is under construction, the details can now be seen here and here (computer pages)
p03-The mailed poatcards autographed by Chinese Consul (consul general) in foreign countries
Includes 52 autographed postcards by 47 Chinese general consulars and 5 consulars and all Correspondence letters
As the mobile web page is under construction, the details can now be seen here (computer pages)
p04-The mailed surface mails of Chinese economic and Commercial Counsellor's office in foreign countries


Includes the mailed surface mails by 66 Chinese economic and Commercial Counsellor's office in foreign countries
As the mobile web page is under construction, the details can now be seen here (computer pages)

p05-The first day mailed postcards with stamps issued jointly by China and foreign countries

By the end of 2001, China had jointly issued stamps with 19 countries. Due to the special situation of China Post, at that time these stamps were very difficult to buy in the first day of the issue, so these postcards are very rare. These products could not regenerate, they have become important valuable information of China's postal history and philatelic history, It also includes those countries that are jointly issued.
As the mobile web page is under construction, the details can now be seen here (computer pages)
p06-A postcard has a history
The 11 sets of mailed philateli items from major Zhang , major Tang and lieutenant colonei Li of Accuse team UNMEE Ethiopia; Chinese consul general Liu-Zhigang in Chongjin,D.P.R.Korea; Chinese alguazil Wang-ran (female) of UN peace keeping action in East timor ; Deputy commander Tan-jin of UN mission in Bosnia and Herzegovina; China ambassador Zhao=xinyu in Papua New Guinea for emergency withdraw Chinese nationals from Solomon and so on. They faithfully record the historical events that many parties are directly involved in and is the philatic item that has an important historical documentary significance.
As the mobile web page is under construction, the details can now be seen here (computer pages)

p07-Universal exploration Postcards

This is a special set of postcards. they are obtained by way of "Post restante" mode. It can make people in the local can easily get many postal and important information around the world of every town. incluse Whether there is postal service in the place? How long is the date of mailing?Which country it belongs to?Its postmark style and information and so on, your payment maybe only $2 or $1. If you do not believe then you see, this set item incluse from The post office international airport Washington, USA; The post office airport Puerto Argentino (Stanely) is.Malvinas (Falkland is.); The post office Heathrow airport London, UK; The post office at "Quai du mont-blanc" or "avenue de France" Geneve, Switzerland; The certral post office Beograd, Yugoslavia; The certral post office Aviano, Friuil-Venezia Giunia, Italy....Total 15 sets. See here please .
p08-Others (a number of important envelops and stamps)
A large number of mailed envelops and postcards and kinds of stamps are currently under edit, will soon be released, so stay tuned
You can contact the author directly If you have any requests
January 2016
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